In Reply to: LG DVD5083 VCD and SVCD hack posted by darkseas on May 01, 19103 at 17:32:15:
I've been experimenting with my LG 5083 DVD player, bought in The Netherlands, a bit as well. I did the firmware region code hack earlier as well as the VCD hack, setting byte 4 to FE (think it was FC before?? First thought it would have been 00, though that won't sound logical later in this story...).
Setting byte 7 from 00 to 10 did enable SVCD for me. Thanks for the tip guys!
BTW I'm running in PAL mode and my TV screen has been pretty green for years now, so I might not notice that...
Some more experimenting tought me this:
setting byte 7 from 00 to either FE, 10, FF or something else (hey, I did not try all 256 values) all enabled SVCD for me. As long as the 2nd bit was set it seemed.
On the 4th byte I found the following:
turning off the 8th bit (MSb) seemed to put my player in black & white mode. Disabling the 7th bit seemed to turn of my mp3 functionality, one of (or a combination) the bits 3,4,5,6 seemed to turn of my 5.1 speaker setup possibility and turning off the 2nd bit disabled my VCD function again (SVCD still worked, though).
I set both bytes to FF for now, tried some different discs and that seems to work fine with (S)VCD enabled.
My bytes look like this:
55 53 00 FF 12 55 FF 00
55 53 00 00 (?) 12 55 00 00)
Any more ideas on this? Some of you feel like experimenting a little more?
Let me know if you find something interesting!
(You might be so kind to send me an e-mail at !)
Good luck,