In Reply to: firmware phillips DVD 580M posted by MARTY on May 05, 19103 at 11:43:00:
In fact, you don't really care of the firmware.
(the firmware is a version of the software running on your DVD player).
I finally succeded making it multiregion with the following hack (after many tries) :
Switch off your DVD player (if it's on)
Switch on your DVD player.
Push "Eject" (DVD player button)
Push "FTS/Program", "1", "3", "5", "6", "0"
The following message appears "CHANGE REGION AS XXXX" (I did not pay attention if it appeared
before of after pressing the multiregion 0 code)
Then push "stop" "stop" "stop" "stop" "stop" to make it permanent.
A message "CHANGE REGION AS 0" appears.
It's now working !
To check the firmware, do the same operation
replacing "0" by "8"
By the way
"0" : all region
"1" : region 1
"6" : region 6
"8" : check firmware (a message givin firmware version appears on your screen)
hope it will help !