Re: Yamakawa 218 region free crack code

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Posted by El Primo de México on July 29, 19103 at 11:57:12:

In Reply to: Yamakawa 218 region free crack code posted by Omaar on June 30, 19103 at 08:45:17:

Es muy sencillo solo haz lo siguiente:

1.Enciende tu DVD
2.Preciona SETUP
3.Despues teclea 13698888
4.Veras que aparece un nuevo boton con el nombre de VERSION

Apartir de ahi solo selecionas la region.

Aqui te pongo l post en ingles que encontre:
For those of you who have a newer firmware version of the Yamakawa 218, the region code hack that works for the 215 (posted by Extreme -- thanks, Extreme!) works great for the 218.

Codefree Setting for C201 version of DVD-215/8:

in SETUP enter
You'll see a bunch of numbers/letters near the bottom of the screen.

Then the field called "VERSION" will appear.

Move Cursor on VERSION and open with PLAY button.

(Note: at first it may be hard to make out the "VERSION" option, but just scroll down, you'll see it).

Use Cursor buttons to go to the REGION CODE setting, and enter the desired code.

NOTE: your options are 0-6. Selecting "0" seems to make it code-free.
Then go back to SETUP to save

NOTE: (I tried a Region 1 "Monsters" DVD as well as a Region 2 "Spirited Away" DVD, and both worked with this setting).

Now only if there was a Macrovision setting for this unit as well. Anyone?

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