Re: X- box

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Posted by Eu on August 04, 19103 at 23:57:03:

In Reply to: X- box posted by Armando A on April 18, 19103 at 21:13:07:

: How to make xbox dvd multiregion hack

If your xbox has a modchip installed, just download DVD Region-X image and burn it to a CD-RW. It will allow you to see any region DVDs.

If you don't have a modchip, you are out of luck. There is no way to have multiple regions being played in an original XBOX. It will record to an EEPROM the region of the first DVD Kit you install and that region will be permanent, that means, if you buy a Region 4 (Australia/Mexico has these kits) XBOX DVD Kit and power your xbox on with that kit installed (and assuming you have never used other kit before), your xbox will just play region 4 dvds. Again, if you have a modchip installed, there is an easy way to erase region data in EEPROM and use all regions (but you will need kits for all regions, and clear eeprom every time you want to play a new dvd region and switch the kits, this kind of sux).

There is no DVD Region X available that can be run in a XBOX without modchip.

Hope that answers your question.

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