Re: aiwa XD-AX1 color problems ...helo

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Posted by ian on August 26, 19103 at 09:28:18:

In Reply to: aiwa XD-AX1 color problems ...helo posted by amanda on August 18, 19103 at 09:55:50:

: i just bought an aiwa XD-AX1 dvd player and when it plays a dvd the color goes from dark to light repeatedly. i exchanged the player and it still does it, i tryed it on a different tv and it still does it. i can't be the vcr that its connected to could it? help me please, i'm at a loss. oh and what is hacking?

If you have connected it via your VCR to your TV you will get a pulse (light, Dark effect), but this will only occur on rental DVDs etc, if you have played VCD you will not get this fault. You will have to connect your DVD directly to your TV via a scart lead etc.

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