Re: Code for Mitsui DVD1554

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Posted by Howlin' Wolf on August 27, 19103 at 12:36:37:

In Reply to: Re: Code for Mitsui DVD1554 posted by Ricardo Rosette on July 29, 19103 at 19:34:12:

: : I need Code for Mitsui DVD1554 to convert multiregion.


you can hack this player (sourced by Daewoo, Korea) with the following handset code:

1. Power the player up.
2. Press "Setup".
3. Type "13698888" on the remote. A new menu item, "version", appears.
4. Press "Cursor down" until "version" is highlighted.
5. Press "Play" (remote).
6. Press "Cursor up" or "Cursor down" to set the region code to "1", "2", or "0" (multiregion).
7. Press "Setup".

And there you go. This hack can be applied without limitations. MACROVISION cannot be disabled, though (Mediatech chip = hardware MV)

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