Re: hack 4 mustek v56l-2c dvd player

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Posted by Karina Salliss on October 23, 19103 at 10:37:24:

In Reply to: hack 4 mustek v56l-2c dvd player posted by sarah on September 22, 19103 at 08:48:21:

6 user hacks: Add hack
Region code hack posted by at September 26 2002:

1. Switch on!
2. Be sure, that there is no DVD inside!Player of the w
3. Press "SETUP"
4. Press "NEXT"
5. Press "PREV"
6. Press "NEXT"
7. Now you will see in the upper right corner an little Menu. With UP an DOWN you can swith between the entrys and with LEFT and RIGHT you can change them
8. Change your Regioncode with LEFT or RIGHT to 255 and it will be REGIONCODE FREE (e.g. from 2 to 255)
9. Change the entrys 3001 and 4001 to 3000 and 4000, and Macrovision 3 and 4 will be turned off.

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