dvd & tv aspect ratio

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Posted by Pete on March 09, 19103 at 09:29:29:


I have a Samsung v2000 dvd/vcr combo and a Toshiba 4:3 TV. The dvd player display option has 3 choices: 4:3 letterbox, 4:3 pan & scan, and wide format. Obviously, the wide format setting will distort the image on a 16:9 dvd. The 4:3 letterbox format works fine but for some dvds, I'd rather not have the black bands on top and bottom. According to the Samsung manual, the setting for 4:3 pan & scan will "selectively pan and crop the image" and eliminate the letterbox. The image is modified much the same as an edited for TV movie ("it has been modified to fit your screen").

My problem is that the 4:3 pan/scan setting does not do anything. The display is the same as 4:3 letterbox. Does the DVD disc itself need to support this feature? Or is this setting not functional?


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