Re: Akura ADV14S

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Posted by rich on November 17, 19103 at 09:24:45:

In Reply to: Akura ADV14S posted by tony solinas on October 21, 19103 at 13:35:42:

: i am looking for a region free hack for a akura adv14s dvd player

: anybody got one????

1. In the no disc mode (i.e when the player is powered on without a disc)
2. press the setup key on the remote
3. then press the following key in order
4. vol + , vol - , vol + , vol – (these are the buttons marked + & - that are under the audio key on the remote)
5. when you have press these button your display should read region 2 in the top left on the screen.
6. then use the right key (the blue right button in the middle of the remote) until the 2 in the top left of the screen reads 255 (the numbers 1 to 6 are the different regions and 255 is multi region)
7. when 255 is highlighted then press the return key on your remote and then press the menu button which should take you to the the no disc mode
8. now you player is region free (and remember this is a one of hack and will never need to be repeated)

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